Funny Senior Pranks: 7 funny pranks for your school
Do you want some funny senior pranks to fondly remember your school days by in the future? Here are 7 for you to try.
1. Chasing
In this funny prank, everyone is minding their own business at school, when suddenly Pacman is being chased by a Ghost through the library. The Pacman and Ghost costumes can be easily made on your own with some cardboard box, tape and latex wall paint. It can also be rented from a Halloween costume shop. If you want some more details on creating your costumes, please visit:
The great part about this funny senior prank is that you can pretty much play it anywhere there is a large crowd at school. Just make sure your costume does cover your face but has an allowance for the eyes to preserve your runners' identities. While you're at it, make sure 'Pacman' shouts a lot with fear.
The Gorilla chasing the Banana another variation to the chasing theme that you can use. However, unlike the Pacman and Ghost theme, you'll probably need to rent these costumes as both costumes are rather difficult to make on your own. Other ideas that probably require costume rental include superhero/villain themes, like Batman chasing The Joker, for example.
2. Bouncing Balls Down Stairs
This funny senior prank works only if your school is 2 or more floors high. Choose a staircase leading to a high traffic area for maximum effect. To prepare for this pranks, you'll need to purchase as many bouncy rubber balls as your senior budget allows. Fill them in buckets so that you can pour them out when you're executing the prank. Then on the school day itself, bring up the buckets to the top floor. I don't recommend that you empty the whole bucket at one go, otherwise your prank will be over in one big rush (unless you have a LOT of balls, in the thousands). Pour them out in a steady stream, and your schoolmates will wonder where the rumbling sound is coming from until they see the balls bouncing into the hallways from the stairs.
3. Animals in Hallway
Purchase 3 animals, whether mice, pigs or chicken (your choice). Label them 1, 2 and 4, then release them into the hallway of your school (preferably with you out of sight). If you are successful, your school's staff will believe that there are 4 animals on the loose, and they'll be hunting for number 3 for a long long time. Try not to get caught for this one :).
4. The Principal's Office
In this funny senior prank, you'll need the cooperation of some of the teachers in the school, or at least that of the school custodian. In fact, the cooperation of anyone with access to your principal's office will do. You can fill it up with balloons or packing nuts quite quickly if you have a lot of help. If filling up your principal's office is not your year's cup of tea, you can find out your principal's hobbies and do a remake of his or her office in that theme. If he or she wasn't particularly nice to all of you, perhaps a trap or two waiting for him or her the next day will be a better choice.
If you really can't get access your principal's office, but you have access to the school after hours, you can slip a lot of baby powder under the door and blow it in with a portable fan. The powder will eventually coat the furniture in the office and make it look like it's covered with dust! Of course, it would be foolish to attempt this prank while the principal is in the office.
An alternative to powder will be to put shaving cream in a cardboard envelope, slip it in halfway under the door, then stomp on the envelope! That will spray out the mess into your principal's office. This prank can be done while the principal is in office, but you'll need to be quick to run and hide! Try not to get caught if you want to try this, otherwise you'll be in serious trouble!
5. Ceiling coins
In this funny senior prank, you'll make coins stick to the ceiling, much to the amusement of your schoolmates. Use the smallest denominator of your currency in coins, and lots of them. You'll need plasticine as well. Apply a small amount of plasticine on one sides of the coin, then stick it to the ceiling. If your plasticine is moist and sticky enough, throwing it up to the ceiling should do the trick as well.
Go crazy and cover the whole ceiling with coins, or just fashion out some words or your senior year with the coins. To set up this prank successfully, you'll need to get into school when no one else is around. Otherwise a whole big group of you will need to toss their coins in quickly in succession.
6. The Head shots
In this funny senior prank, you'll a photo of your principal from any source, preferably facing forward as illustrated in the picture above. Alternatively, photos of all your seniors instead of the principal's photo. Scan the photos into the computer and print out the headshots at roughly a the size of a quarter of a passport sized photo. Cut them out and stick double sided tape at the back of each headshot. Now gather your team to stick the headshots in various locations to start the unofficial game of 'hide and seek', varying from easy to spot to the most difficult. People will still be discovering new heads for years to come.
Optional: Record the number of photos that were pasted around the school. Now create an advertisement for a prize (how much is up to you) for anyone not on the team who manages to find all of the headshots in the school.
7. Random Celebration
In this prank, you'll need to create a certificate for "The 100th Person Award". Gather a large group of between 10 to 50 people with party favors and some garlands of your choice. Surround a random target in school and ask "Do you know what just happened?" No matter what their response that follows, show them the certificate and shout, "You're the 100th person to pass by here today!", then shake their hands. At this point your accomplices should be clapping and some should garland the lucky "winner".
My sister has a PC, and frequently changes her desktop background. So, I change her desktop photo to one that she would never use, or one that she hasn't
1. played a funny prank on someone and want to share it or 2. have a great prank idea or 3. want more details of a prank, submit story/idea/question here! It's real easy to do - just fill up the form below and upload any pictures if you want to, and you're done!
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