"The Shit Storm"

fill a brown paper bag with preferably "loose" stool, i.e..diarrhoea.in the cover of night,slide the open end of the bag under their front door,so the open end is now INSIDE their house.Now,SLOWLY tread on the other end of the bag(the end OUTSIDE the house)until half has been transferred into their establishment. Now stomp on the last bit to give that inside "shit explosion" look. take the brown bag and get rid of it. They'll wake up to the shit storm!! funny stuff.ive done this 4 times already.Never gets old.

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Mar 25, 2016
Solution for UK residents
by: Anonymous

I am from the UK and have done this twice now doing the same principle through letter boxes, you have to kind of fiddle with it to get it through but it works. I recommend using gloves for this though, should the worst happen.

Mar 02, 2016
no room under door
by: Anonymous

How can you slide anything under a door? In this country (uk) the doors fit tightly.

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